Embarrassing Americans: Ann Coulter isn’t alone


Waking up and seeing that good ole Ann Coulter has found a new low to her ignorance. Fact is I’m not even going to address her stupidity and hatred to even come up with such a shameless attempt for attention. No, I’m addressing the people who are for some reason taking offense to the #BringsBackOurGirls campaign. I’m lost on how people feel our First Lady shouldn’t care, a mother of two girls shouldn’t care? I’m not even going to touch race yet at all just the fact that a mother who has influence has let you know where she stands on a news story that for the most part isn’t major news should be viewed as a good thing. Call me crazy but if your child was kidnapped and Michelle Obama showed support for something to be done to return of your child home how would you feel about such a backlash against this campaign? I’m happy that Michelle Obama was and still is outraged about schoolgirls being kidnapped no mater where they’re from. In a strange way I thought this story would resonate with mothers all over America where a real backlash to Coulter’s picture should have been more than photoshop knock offs. You have an issue with Obama and how he is ruining the country in your opinion that’s fine, #BringsBackOurGirls isn’t about American politics, it’s about innocent lives, young lives put in harms way for no reason at all.

The problem is people are so into race that all we’re seeing is a Black woman addressing an issue that deals with Black girls being kidnapped by Black men. That thought alone is why the story hasn’t really caught fire. We’re still getting reports from Malaysia about the missing plane. We’re up to date with what’s going on in the Ukraine. To be honest if those over 300 girls were Ukrainian the world would be united for justice, hell there would meetings about bombing the Boko Haram. The lack of concern for lives in Africa isn’t new in my lifetime at all. Rwanda and Sudan’s genocide could have had been stopped and or slowed down but since those are African countries the world, not just America, turned it’s back to what was happening. We as a country protected the people of Kosovo and left people in Rwanda for dead. That’s not Ann Coulter’s fault that’s on us as Americans. As a people we don’t care about what happened to the plane in Malaysia, we didn’t care about the events of the protest in The Middle East a few years back. The fact this story of over 300 girls being taken isn’t all over the place like Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend. the story is almost a month old and even with this show of disrespect there really isn’t much news.

It’s easy to say Michelle Obama is upset because she’s Black. It is just that easy to say , to say that because of race Michelle Obama has become the face of righting a major wrong. If that is that case I’m fine with that personally. It shows we as a people have a bigger picture and connection to the world. To worry about the newest music beef or who’s funny Kevin Hart or Mike Epps or just something local that isn’t that important seems to sum up African Americans. Around the same time of the girls being kidnapped, April 13th 2014, a portion of “Black Twitter” was all over LoLo Jones dissing Drake and Rihanna or the Jay Z and Drake beef, the other half was doing whatever. As African Americans the Obamas know how little media coverage Black and Brown people get when it comes to kidnappings. People see the hashtag and have no idea what it means, that’s the medias fault. To be honest both Michelle Obama and Ann Coulter’s pictures have made it a conversation. People now want to know what words mean, will that make people invest time to keep up with what’s going on? I wouldn’t bet on it. Ann Coulter is full of shit, always has been and always will be, the fact that people are too color blind to get the point of the campaign has only been highlighted by Coulter’s picture. The only thing that has happened is that those in the know who aren’t please with The First Lady speaking out against what happened in Nigeria are no longer speaking behind closed doors, they’re now out in the open. Many people agree with Coulter’s view whether it’s about how the country is or just the fact people think Michelle is sticking to her own kind. The fact Ann Coulter felt she could get away with mocking Michelle Obama’s picture says more about us as a people than it does about Ann Coulter.

Embarrassing Americans Zimmerman, Celebrity Boxing For Charity

How the fuck does this happen? George Zimmerman a celebrity, how, how does he get such a label? Zimmerman, reality tv stars, those fools who end up getting over a million views on Youtube and the Kardashian clan are are now considered celebrities. Zimmerman murdered an unarmed teen and got away with it because the perception is an African American male is always the criminal. Why not wait and see how Randall Kerrick and the soulless fool who murdered Renisha McBride trails go and have a triple header night? It’s ridiculous to even give Zimmerman the attention he is getting. The saddest thing is no one wanted anything to do with OJ within the first few years after his trail and for some reason Zimmerman is being asks softball questions and having friendly interviews. I shouldn’t know shit about this man’s personal life at all. To know he liked to box as a hobby is an odd little fact about Zimmerman I care to not know, in fact I would be fine never hearing about him again. This whole boxing idea had to be his in some way because no one would really want to do anything with him. At this point even the media knows to give him space and in a several years when the sting isn’t as bad bring him out to the public. Zimmerman should be left to Rodney King status, we heard from him about every ten years and then we heard he was dead. To be honest I’m sure he really doesn’t want to open the door of having someone putting their hands on him, black or white. There are way too many people who would love to have that chance to knock the shit out of Zimmerman, that may be his thinking. Maybe he has it planned out that people will pay to see someone beat his ass, I mean it’s for charity. it writes itself, he gets in the ring, throw a few jabs, take a few jabs and then get hit hard as fuck stays down for the count and gets something on the side.

I’m a bit pissed still because I find it sad that people and the media would not give OJ peace at all and this guy is parading around and has interviews all over the place as if he was in the right, like he saved the day or something. It’s buddy buddy with Zimmerman for some reason, I’d make it a guilt trip every time I seen him out and about. OJ killed his ex wife and her lover is bad shit, Scott Peterson killing wife wife is sad, random acts of terrorism by shooting in public places taking lives in the process is scary senseless shit but a man stalking and shooting an unarmed kid is cruel and evil and to see him walking around like nothing happened leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I’d pay to see him box though. It would have to be real boxers of championship status and a different fighter each round and it has to go ten rounds. Doesn’t matter the race just so as long as they’re in his weight class, a different fight each round beating the shit out of him. He gets knocked down or knocked out , wake his ass up and get those ten rounds out the way. It’d not justice, it’s not even close to justice but I’d feel better the next day knowing he got his ass kicked legally.

Embarrassing Americans: Should I Be Shocked At The Verdict?

Facebook went crazy Sunday and I’m sure all over the internet followed suit. George Zimmerman was found not guilty on both charges some time Saturday night, which by the way was a good way to keep shit from happening over the weekend, slide the verdict on a Saturday when people figured that verdict would come on a Monday. What’s crazy is this moment reminds me of the OJ trail in reverse of course, African Americans are pissed and White people feel justice was served. The difference here is I know for me I never thought OJ was innocent, I’m sure not many African Americans thought that he was. For us back then it was the fact a rich famous African American who was the first and only suspect escaped being a victim of the system. Here we all know Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, the didn’t he or did he do it was not the issue here. This broke down to being about race and the News media ate it up and cooked more for the masses so we could get caught up in the hype and lose sight of the issue.

What is in play here is the fear of Young African American males. That fear outweighed the fact someone’s child was followed and murdered. The Prosecutors argument fell on deaf ears when speaking on how this is about an assumptions and bad judgment because people are used to thinking the same way when they come across young black males. And there lies the biggest problem, the Defense went out of their way to throw all of Trayvon’s dirty laundry out there to make him look like a bad kid. You know he might have been some punk ass kid doing who knows what on the street but that day Trayvon was chilling coming from the store with candy and tea. It’s not like Zimmerman knew him because with the call to the cops being recorded Zimmerman never stated he knew Trayvon or seen him around doing shit before. The bad mouthing the victim turned the tables in the case or just help reinforce the views people have of young black males because now Trayvon was painted as some thug ass black male who would have been in jail or dead anyway. Everything but the main issue was magnified in the trail. “Crazy ass cracker” was pulled out and made as a race issue, not the main part of the sentence and the case in general which was the “is following me” part. This case should have been about how Zimmerman was the one to initiate contact. If Zimmerman had listened to woman and let the real police handle it or followed Martin and done nothing more than take his description down and when or if something had happened Zimmerman could have done his part in that manner.

You hear so many people saying it was his right to follow Trayvon. I take it those people aren’t black and if so don’t how such things like being followed because you’re African American and in the wrong place feels. No matter how black another race of people act they will never fully understand how being followed on the streets or in a store feels. Having the cops pull you over because you’re in an expensive car or your music is “loud” in certain areas, having cops or someone tell you to move because you’re in a group hanging around somewhere, because three or blacks makes it a gang or some shit. Then there is the one I personally love, having the cops tell you that you fit a description and then when you do see that person they’re taller or shorter, fatter or skinner and a few shades of brawn darker or lighter than you are.That is the life of African American males and everything that All Star weekend played out like so many days the average African American male knows too well. The difference is something happened that caused the Trayvon and Zimmerman to tussle and Trayvon to be shot. I think what is crazy is if Zimmerman was nosey as fuck how wasn’t other people in the area, Zimmerman was the only one who saw Trayvon heading home? No one saw what lead up to the tussle at all or was this a case of not giving a fuck because it was a black kid? So now as a black male you can’t walk down any street because who knows if you’ll live to see tomorrow, it used to be worried about having the cops called on you for “looking suspicious” now it is being murdered for “looking suspicious”.

I wasn’t surprised at the verdict, I was more surprised at how many people, African Americans, really thought justice would fall on Trayvon’s side. There are cases like this all over America and if the case was allowed to be about a child first his race second things would have turned out different. Only Hispanics and African Americans have to worry about things like being fucked up by the law. And I know people want to say Zimmerman is half Latino, I personally haven’t seen a lot of Spanish people agree with anything Zimmerman did or his family has been saying and writing. This shouldn’t be some major blow to race relations because it’s about lifestyles, you know when comedians joke on how black people do this and whites do that? This is that, most African American men understood that feeling Trayvon must’ve felt leading up to the altercation while whites don’t and they all so know if they’re child had died like Trayvon the killer would be doing time. Hell, to be fair if Trayvon was white Zimmerman’s Spanish roots would have shown through bright as he would have been forced to move and that contribution jar would have been empty, it would have been Latino vs. whites and as African Americans we may have been shocked at how a white kid was “looking suspicious” but might have rallied behind the death of a child. That is really what this is about, A man murdered a child, got off and now is looking to have protection because he knows like I like know and anyone who knows about this case knows he is a marked man now. To be fair I don’t care what happens out in Florida or to Zimmerman and I stretch my blame of injustice to the defense lawyers because they have yet to show sympathy for the family of Trayvon Martin, again he was just another young black male who got what he deserved to many people out here.

3 Women Held Captive in Cleveland Thanks everyone except…

So I had t make sure i heard shit right this morning as we keep the morning news on while we sleep in the morning. So the three women held captive finally spoke or rather released a video today and handed out thank yous to a lot of people who supported them. That’s fine and all but not one person even the second chicks parents or who the fuck they are to her said thanks to the Big Mac man who was nosy enough to give a damn and saved them. The women were held captive for a decade and no one else took the time to try to do something about them being in a house except Charles Ramsey, yes he is an embarrassment to African Americans or just people in general but he was the person who deserves way more credit than he has gotten. The way people in the news media have been speaking, the women woke up one day decided to escape and hit Castro in the head, knocked him out and ran in the street then Charles Ramsey was on his porch smashing a Big Mac and called the cops. Don’t know how three different women could be captured by two dudes and stay in one house for a decade but i know they would still be there if it wasn’t for one man. I get thanking supporters but still not one woman said Charles Ramsey’s name, not one, they didn’t even say “the man who saved us”. WHAT?  How could no one say shit about him at all.  Again I get that Ramsey is silly ass dude but still he deserves the credit for doing a heroic thing and for whatever reason the women chose not to thank him, ungrateful ass chicks.

Embarrassing Americans: The inconsistency of hate


So there is a lot of hate of the Cheerios commercial with the interracial family out there in the wide world of the internet that seems to show just how closed off from the real world people are. I’m not going to go into the numbers on how interracial couples have jumped up, that’s not the point here. My point is how this has made news like the dwarf “issue” Target saw in December. As always small minded people who have nothing else better to do want to spend time complaining about shit they’ve seen on television, so now for this brief moment those people have controlled the topic of discussion. It’s 2013 and whether you like it or not interracial couples are out there. Of course white man and Asian or Hispanic woman doesn’t raise an eyebrow too much. Black man and Hispanic woman doesn’t cause a company to close off their comments section of their video, but a White woman and Black man as a couple is just the worst thing seen in this country from the way people are over reacting. It could be why it hard to see such a thing on television and really not shown at all until now in a commercial. The odd thing is the problem seems to have come when the father was shown, as anyone looking at a show or commercial knows, you know when you see a biracial child. Most of the time it is an African American parent with the child. I don’t even think if the commercial was just the girl and her White mother there would be an issue, the issue was seeing the Black man.

Not sure what the problem is in this day and age when you can watch a Rap or R&B video and see Black guys all over a white chick looking like a fake ass Kim Kardashian, seen it in a Trey Songz video as well as some rap dude who name escapes me for a good reason, his song sucked. Speaking of Kim, E! will be following her pregnancy this season on the show she is a star in. Will there be any uproar about her show making E! consider canceling the show? Not a chance in hell. The difference between the videos and the show and even what few movies that show Black men with White women is they can be passed over by people if they choose not to see that kind of relationship. But now we’re talking about a cereal commercial that will play all day on any cable channel showing cartoons all day everyday as well as during those day time shows. Cheerios is a part of pop culture and to even dare put such a representation of America out there is to say it is ok to date and get married outside of your race, meaning be a White woman with a Black man. To even say Cheerios and or General Mills has done something bold is an overstatement, they showed a child with her parents wanting to ensure all parties ate healthy. It’s the same commercial Cheerios have been doing for over two decades, this time the parents weren’t of the same race and so now there is a problem.

If there is an ad that should be under scrutiny it’s the Geico pig ads. There are two that i know of where the pig is with a female and she is in some sort of relationship with the pig. Where are the cry babies who screamed about a small joke and interracial couples for those commercials? There is one Geico where the pig was in the car with a chick and she wanted to make out or go further and the pig was into his game.

That commercial has been out for awhile and yet I haven’t seen anyone bring that up as issue, so is bestiality ok or is it because we as Americans or humans know it’s a commercial so we overlook the bestiality undertone? Would it have been an issue if the pig was trying to make out with the girl? As far I can tell, going by the uproar people are doing over a Cherrios commercial, it is better to have sex with an animal than to date and marry outside of your race. Again I’m going by what people complain about and no one seems to be all pissed about a pig with humans, white women at that, but an interracial couple with their child is reason to have a boycott on a brand of cereal? No it hasn’t happened yet, the boycott, but I feel it coming if this story gets enough steam. People really need to check their hatred for logic and also check the calender and the people around where they live. There are same sex relationships and interracial relationships, hell there are same sex interracial relationships where the couple have kids… It’s where we are as a people get over it, for companies to relate to consumers it can no longer be just white couples and have them replaced by people of color depending on the cable network or certain shows.

Embarrassing Americans: Did we forget how pregnant people loo

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It seems like the people in the world of gossip tabloids have no idea about the pregnancy process. All the cover stories deal with the weight gain of Kim Kardashian during her pregnancy. If you look at the cover of the Star magazine you see how that magazine wants to really put the point of weight gain through to the reader or average person standing in line at any store that carries the magazine. The before picture is totally photoshopped. Look at her body closely and you see the biggest thing on her in her 120lbs Kim is her head. Her boobs and ass have been slimmed down, and that is to enhance the perspective that she is getting bigger. If the pictures of her aren’t enough the quotes from Kim Kardashian herself makes things worst. It’s one thing when these gossip tabloids point out the out of shape celebs at the beach., but when they are really pounding the weight gain in your face there is a problem. Looking at just the cover Kim Kardashian weight gain is the most important thing going on right now. A person who became a celebrity because of a sextape with Ray J. years ago is bigger news than the actual talent in the magazine.

Let me get back to how the world of logic got lost on Kim Kardashian. Did we as a country forget that when a female is pregnant know that there is a living life inside the female so when she is gaining weight and eating more she is also feeding the baby inside her? Well I know conservative right wing anti abortion nuts didn’t but I’m sure they’re not giving shit about Kim Kardashian, they’re getting their protest signs together for the same sex marriage debate. The strange yet cool thing is there are some people who have taken to defending Kim from all the tabloid talks. Of course it doesn’t help when there are quotes from Kim herself about her weight issues and there aren’t motherly at all. This is nothing more than a case of not having Teen Mom news and what real celebs are hot right now just aren’t worthy of the coverage. I mean on the same cover there is The Hunger Games chick at a strip club smoking as if that’s strange for a young woman. So it seems until Kim has this kid this will be the news we will hear about for months even after the kid is born. I hate media.

Time to put the Dunk Contest back on the shelf

All Star 2013 photo NBA-All-Star-2013_zps0b0ffacd.jpg

It’s been years since I’ve seen a dunk contest from start to finish and to be honest the one I saw Saturday night had me wondering what the hell happened. First off only 6 guys and then it was some East vs. West shit, HUH? To be honest I don’t know any of the guys in the contest and neither did anyone else , that was the main issue going in once the names were announced. My problem really wasn’t that because a great outing can make you a star, I really knew nothing about Dee Brown before the dunk contest and really after either, that win made him a star. No, my issue was the fact the guys sucked for the most part.

If the allure of the dunk contest was build by Dominique and Jordan, it was restored by Vince Carter who single handily brought it back from it’s brief death. With those three and the fact Harold Miner, Isaiah Rider and Kobe all helped make the art of dunking a must see it seems the contest has fallen into a weird odd time. Everything now is more show than anything else. The Dunk Contest looks less like what Jordan would be a part of and more of likes of Cedric Ceballos who dunked blindfolded… Yeah, remember that shit, that was his winning dunk. Now guys dunk with capes on, over people in chairs, over a motorcycle and over the hood of a car, not the car, just the hood. The first guy Saturday night had flight attendants comes out and he ran down the court just to miss the first dunk. He missed his first fucking dunk, all that setup and he missed the dunk. Hell to be honest the missed dunks were better than most of the dunks in general. Hell the Utah Jazz player made it the finals, don’t know how because all of his dunks were the same fucking dunk. He jumped over a coach, another player and a painting of himself dunking… Those were his highlight dunks. Matter of fact the dunk over a painting was corny out the gate and was just made more obvious when Nick Cannon explained “he dunked over a picture of him dunking”. Yes, that was dunk that was in the final round of the dunk contest. Maybe the dunk contest should cut out of the All Star Weekend. That Saturday Night made me sick to my stomach.

Movie Madness: Someone please stop Hasbro

hasbro studio

Habro had people scratching their heads when they announced that they wanted another Transformer movie for the sole purpose of selling new toys. Now the toy company wants to make movies of other toy properties they have. You’d think with the way Battleship had tons of poor reviews, the making movies for the sake of selling toys would slow down by Hasbro. Being honest you’d think Paramount Pictures would step in and put an end to the money grab that Hasbro is doing. G. I. Joe has been pushed back until next year and Battle ship was a dud now there are rumors of a Hungry Hungry Hippo, Monopoly and some Uk version of G.I. Joe called Action Man will be films… Yes that is the real name Action Man, it’s like some bad villain or some guy who felt if Superman could work why not Action Man.

If the people at Hasbro were smart they’d get into video games. I mean Nintendo has milked Mario for all it’s worth and still if they (Nintendo) can figure out a new way to market the brand they will. Why not come up with some app for Hungry Hungry Hippo? Toys aren’t really selling well in general, I live with a 6 year old and if he isn’t drawing he is playing video games. I’m not sure he even has toys or board games.  I’m not sure how a movie for such an odd title/game would work. Will the Hippos be the villains or will they be animated? I’m serious at this point about that game becoming a movie.  Playing devils advocate to a small degree, very small degree, are there any Hasbro toys and or games that would work as a movie? Pass Transformers and G.I. Joe it gets tricky. Battleship would have worked if it wasn’t called Battleship and there lies the problem. You would have to find some concept that incorporates enough of the game into the movie while still trying to make the movie entertaining. I’m sure that won’t happen and there will still be movies from some Hasbro properties that don’t include robots that turn into cars and planes or all American heroes that are part of an elite group of international soldiers that will hit the theatres in the future. Who knows I may be wrong and the next Hasbro film may actually be good, dare I say classic… Who am I kidding, it’s Hasbro.

Embarrassing Americans: Money talks and it sounds ignorant as hell

Romney confused

“I don’t think the common person is getting it. Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them. We’ve got the message. But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand what’s going on. I just think if you’re lower income — one, you’re not as educated, two, they don’t understand how it works, they don’t understand how the systems work, they don’t understand the impact.”

–        Wealthy Romney donor

Let’s say that comment is true, and to be fair for most people uneducated, or how about under educated, or not it is true. Yes people have no idea how the political system works or understand the impact it truly has. One reason is because they aren’t that concerned with how the system works and another is people feel the system is rigged to keep a certain group be it race, religion, sex or class status in a certain place. These comments made by some “richer” proves that Romney is in a no man’s zone, the same people this comment shitted on is the same people Romney needs to convince he is the better man between he and Obama. Yes it’s a fundraiser and that lady’s comment is hers and hers alone but it is at a fundraiser which means that is the vibe going on there. There are a group of people who are too stupid uneducated to understand just what is going on around them. This means in some way this is how Romney feels, you’re associated with the company you keep.

The bigger issue is people are talking offense to the comment and rightfully so but that comment opens a door of discussion. Now you’re hearing a wealthy person say those who aren’t educated don’t get the system. Why? Why aren’t people educated? That is the issue here, and it is one that the Republicans never really want to focus on and to a larger extent Americans don’t want to focus.  The door has been opened, if the lower class, by this woman’s view, can’t understand what is taking place because they are NOT educated then let’s start there. Let’s fix a broken system. Between the facts that there are jobs out there people just aren’t qualified for to the fact we as Americans know that education is now a class status issue and the poor will most likely be the ones getting a poor education, why not work on this issue. If you don’t fix the education system there will always be this divide economically and to blame outsourcing and a political party will no longer due. Her comment should not be debated upon without first addressing the education system she indirectly blames.

This is less about the lady being out of touch with the real world because if you’re a republican and you’re lower class you’re still not going to take offense to what she said because you will feel that since you’ve claimed a party, The GOP, that makes you an exception to the rule. This is about how easy the lower class can be summed up as dumb. The fact many middle class and upper middle class people come from blue collar lower income homes was a fact that missed this lady. Hell I know a great deal of well to do people who are Paris Hilton dumb. I’m sure Paris went to a good school and she couldn’t begin to explain the how the three branches of government work.  She also doesn’t have to worry how things will pan out in the next four years no matter who is President. Hell those in Washington hope the average American has no idea how things work, it’s what keeps them in Washington. Between these news networks giving bias views on things to politicians bringing up non issues as issues it’s hard to figure out how the system works.  Sometimes I personally wonder the structure of how Government works changed sometime after Bush took office.  Since the two terms of former President Bush the way government should work and the way it does are totally different. Again politicians aren’t going to tell us as Americans how things work, they now just pick certain lines from the constitution and use them out of context as they choose to, and being fair that is what Lincoln did to free the slaves. Again even with all this going on if lower class people did take the time to educate themselves about what is going on there would still be issues somewhere. No one knows how the system works unless their invested in it and can change things from the inside to suit them when they feel like it, that’s what the millions of dollars spent on lobbyists are for. Lower income people will never understand the system because they will never be big campaign donors at a fundraiser at the Chairman of Revlon’s estate in the Hamptons which in turn means the concerns of those there are valued much more than some low income person using their one vote taking care of their family with a low income wage being a good citizen.

Embarrassing Americans: Obama sound bite hated but never heard in context


“You didn’t build that”

–        President Obama

Yes Mitt Romney and the GOP are trying hard to capitalize on those four words. There is a web ad out and everything now as Romney tries to spin those four words into so much more than they need to be. Of course anyone who thinks like Romney may agree that those four words are anti entrepreneurial. Mitt Romney in his mind has found that link to Obama and him truly being out of touch.  But people aren’t seeing the whole picture, hell many people just heard those four words as if the President went out said that and then said “ God bless you and God bless America” and went off to the next city. I’ve heard the build up to those words and when you hear everything it makes sense.

The media is to blame here plan and simple. Perfect example when you Google that comment there are sites reporting about what Obama said, those four words, and how Romney is jumping on that. You’ll see sites debating about how wrong Obama is to say what he said. Hell you Google video that same thing and get the twelve seconds of footage. It isn’t until you scroll down and maybe even click to  the second page do you get the over two minute part of that speak where those twelve seconds come from.  Even on YouTube the longer excerpt isn’t first. This whole bullshit attempt to make Obama look bad could be dead if not just the media but people looked at the longer version.  This is more proof Americans are lazy ass people willing to be fed bias news as fact and not even attempt to dig deeper. At no point while going through Google did I see any site show the long version to help put shit in context. Yes there was some explaining on a few sites that there was more said but it wasn’t written out or even have some audio link to the two minute excerpt, this is including the big boys like AP, Huffington Post, Fox News, CNN and Yahoo (Yahoo isn’t big but they are always one of the first news sources on Google for some damn reason). Is it too hard to look up the truth and not just ride with an opinion? While on Facebook or Twitter or doing whatever online and coming across this story does it really not cross a person’s mind to think there had to be more said then those four words?  We are lazy and as long as we are lazy news stories like this will always be around and politicians can play these kinds of games.

Then there is the comment and how it does make sense. I saw the Romney web ad and the guy says something about his farther taking a loan out. His father didn’t do it alone, just like Obama said. Hell most people with an idea for a business need investors and if you got a grant you didn’t do it alone. If you had people invest in your idea you didn’t do it alone. The web have a few sites where people pitch their idea and you can donate to the idea, if that idea becomes the next Apple, you still didn’t do it alone. You didn’t build that those who gave you the money did. Even as Obama talked about it starts from school and people making you believe in yourself, you didn’t build that. Those people had a hand in that. That whole part of the speech was about helping one another out and coming together to fulfill ones dreams and goals. Hell you can’t start any business without going through some red tape and if your local city doesn’t allow you do start that business then it doesn’t happen, so yes if it does you didn’t build that.. The city pitched in.

Am I really taking this too far? I don’t think so I feel if people took the time to see or hear what Obama was saying and not listen to the talking heads debate about twelve seconds a real debate could begin. As far as I’m concerned if a show isn’t going to play the part of that speech don’t talk about it. When people do say there was more to it you see the interviewer trying to cut that person off. Why? Because then the conversation switches from those four words to what was really said. Of course Romney isn’t going to let you hear the whole thing, it wouldn’t do him any good to do so. I don’t want to hear people who heard or read about this story who didn’t do the research to find out more about the story give me their opinions either. It’s like overhearing someone say “Fuck Her.” And that’s all you heard and you know that person and some chick don’t get along and you spread it around that so and so was over there the other day and said “Fuck her.” about that chick. Not many people will ask who that person was talking about at all. The truth won’t come out until the person who said that comment or those around them tell who that person was talking about. Now it comes out it was some altercation at the club a few weekends ago and the person was telling the group. Yes this shit with Obama and those four words are alike. Because no one wants to take time and look this shit up and get the bigger picture. We are sheep being led by wolves and we’re ok with that as long as the wolves tell us what we want to hear.